I see you, amazing woman.
Doing all the preparation to…
- Give your baby the best possible entrance into the world.
- Experience a birth that is as smooth (and pain-free!) as possible.
And you want to do it all with your man by your side, being the rockstar you know he can be.
Believe me, you are not alone!

Since launching Rockstar Birth Magazine in 2014 I have connected with thousands of women.
Want to know what gets in the way of their stunning birth vision?
I hear these questions over and over…
Will I beg for drugs?
Will my ladybits ever recover?
What if I can’t do it?
They also acknowledge their… well… more primal concerns…
Will there be blood and gunk?
What even is a mucus plug?!
I don’t want to be naked in front of strangers… What if I scream like a wild animal?
But you know what? The most common theme that continues to emerge isn’t about the woman
herself or the birth, it’s about her man.
How will he cope seeing me in pain?
Will he be disgusted by the mess?
Will he vomit when he sees the placenta?
Will he ever want to have sex again?

How do I get him ready for birth?
Y’see, 50 years ago our menfolk didn’t even come into the birthing room. My Irish mother-in-law tells me that her husband would drop her off at the hospital with a ‘cheerio then, love!’ and tootle off to work whilst she gave birth. Then he’d return the next day to collect her and the new baby.
It was all hands-off for those Dads. No blood and guts. No crazy-eyed wife spitting out swear words. Just a drive-by to the front of the hospital to pick up the precious cargo. Easy.
Nowadays we expect far more from our lad s when we’re in labour. You want your man to be there in a physical and emotional sense. Rubbing your back, telling you that you can do it, before heading down to the business end of things to watch you roar a baby out, and giving you a teary-eyed giant hug as he gazes down on your new bambino.
But how do we prepare our blokes for the realities of birth?

Being present at a birth is a pretty full-on gig (even more so if you’re the birthing person, obvs). To witness what a body can endure is both mind-blowing and, well, kinda confronting. It’s understandable that most men are freaked out at the prospect of watching you birth.
Birth is both amazing and messy.
I asked a bunch of blokes about what scared them most about birth and they said:
Not knowing how to help you
Seeing You in Pain
Seeing your body stretch weirdly
Men are relatively simple creatures when it comes to birth. Typically, your guy wants to know what to DO so he doesn’t feel useless. The man wants a clear list of instructions. A job sheet that tells him ‘bring this, do that, ask this, stop that’. Bottom line is he wants to do the right thing, and not let you down.
So many of the hospital and private birth classes are focused on how the birth will unfold, the three stages of labour, and what’s going to happen to your cervix, but what your baby-daddy really wants to know:
When will it start?
How long will it take?
When do we need to go to hospital?
Will your waters break in the car?
What if you’re in lots of pain?
What if it’s gross?
Will you scream and yell?
What should I DO?
What if you need a caesarean?
Do I have to watch the baby being born?
What if someone hands me the actual baby?
What if I f*ck it up?
And here it is. The ultimate Dad-focused birth plan ‘The Rockstar Dad’s WTF Guide to Birth: Turn Your Man into Your Secret Weapon in Birth. And whilst I technically made it for your man, I also really made it for you. Because when you are trying to get into your birthing zone, you don’t want to be worrying about whether your lover is going to freak out.
You want him to be present and fully supportive, knowing what to expect and what to do.
You want him to be excited.
You want him to feel READY.
He needs The Rockstar Dad’s WTF Guide to Birth so that he can show up like a pro.
I have taken the best learnings from my interviews with the cream of the crop in the birthing world – including Dr Sarah Buckley, Midwife Mark Harris, Doula Brian Salmon, and multiple birth-savvy dads – to create this no-bullshit guide for your bloke. I want him to know that he’s got this birthing gig in the bag, so that YOU can focus on your own birth prep, knowing that your core support person is ready to rock’n’roll.
Make no mistake, we cover off all the important hormonal, physical, emotional, and cervical changes that you will experience. And I share how he can support you through each of the trimesters, stages of labour, and the ring of fire, but I share it in a way that is of the most value to your bloke, in language he can relate to.
Less about what a contraction feels like, and more about how your lover can be the best Birth Bouncer (protecting your space) and Birth Cheerleader (being your rock) that he can be.
This is a real raw blokey interpretation of what witnessing birth can be like for a man and how to be ready for it. It is a slick set of articles, birth stories, videos, and interviews designed to be your man’s cheat sheet on how to be a legend at birth. A set of instructions sent directly to your guy from the experts and blokes who have been there before him.
It’s like “Mate, here’s what you need to know, here’s what it’s going to look like, and here’s what you need to do”, all wrapped up in 6+ concise topics:

What to ask, what to say and most importantly, what not to say.

Start of Labour
How to stay calm, get into
the zone and enjoy the ride.

Getting to Hospital
When to go, how not to get booked
for speeding, what to do upon arrival.

What to do when shit’s getting real – positions, words, dance moves.

Holy freaking WOW – watch your
woman roar your baby out.

Golden Hour
When the world stops and you soak
in your baby (and glorious lady wife!)
I’ve made the WTF Guide to Birth as simple as possible. Your man can read, listen, and watch as much of it as he likes, whenever he likes. There is no exam at the end, but there will be a definite shift in his outlook to birth, and how he chooses to show up for you. Because that’s what you need, right? To know that he has your back. That he believes in you. And that he will be there for you, solid as a rock, when you need him.

Your man can ABSOLUTELY be your secret weapon in birth.
A few key ninja learnings and he’ll be there supporting you to power through every step of the way.
Because here’s what I have learnt after roaring three babies out through my ladybits, YOU will birth. Your body already knows what to do. You are strong and capable. You will get through birth. Your man, well…
He needs The Rockstar Dad’s WTF Guide to Birth so that he can show up like a pro.
Shalome Stone knows two things.
- That our bodies are powerful and capable in birth, and
- Blokes can be total rockstars at birth.
Through her work in creating the Rockstar Birth Magazine, hosting the Rockstar Birth Radio podcast, and supporting thousands of women (and their menfolk) in planning epic birth experiences, Shalome knows that birth can be AMAZING when you work as a team.
You’ve got this. Together you are unstoppable.